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Ruger 10/22 Magazine Base


  • Strong polymer construction

  • Zero modification, fully reversible

  • Ergonomic design

  • 4 stainless steel bolt locking

  • Can be individually numbered/marked

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The Ruger 10/22 Magazine Base design stems from the needs of top-level Speed Steel and Steel Challenge competitors. Available individually or in a pack of 6. Our bases are ergonomically designed for better grip whilst loading and unloading, the bases add significantly more grab space to make loading as easy as possible.

To fit, push the base on, aligning the tab on the base to the tab on the magazine. Screw-in two diagonally opposed screws, the first screw won’t bite but the second screw will. Then tighten the other two screws.

If you would like to mix and match colours within the 6x bundle please leave a note on the order

As standard, our bases come with the Magload lifetime warranty.

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